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Why people (do not) buy local products

KC   16.02.2011 17:35

Are you buying local products? And why?

Have you noticed any recent progress in perception of local products? What is the best way to boost the interest in local products? And what are the costs?

Discussion Posts

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DarwinBus (Greece)   18.03.2020 00:26

What antibiotics are prescribed for coronavirus? <br /> A viral infection is never treated with antibiotics, why I do not know why this misconception took root. Influenza, ARVI - viral infections and they are treated with antiviral drugs: ingavirin, remantadine, Tamiflu and others. Coronavirus is also a viral infection and it should also be treated with antiviral drugs, as well as drugs for symptomatic treatment - anti-inflammatory, for example. There are currently no vaccines from the new Chinese coronavirus. <br /> <br /> Antibiotics target bacterial infections. But if a bacterial infection joins a viral disease with or without treatment, then the doctor can prescribe antibiotics, and outside of which, he should. And due to the fact that antibiotics are prescribed when it is not necessary, when it will be necessary - they may not work. <br /> <br /> Antibiotics: https://t.co/jtklgsdtLh

1 7258 14515 21771 27268 27269 27270 27271 27272 27273 27274 29028

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