Põlvamaa rohelisem märk

Region: Põlvamaa
Country: ESTONIA

The brand Põlvamaa rohelisem mark confirms the regional origin of the products or services, their high quality, natural materials and environmentally friendly production.

The label concerns mainly food products and organic products, natural building materials and trades. The label can also refer to natural and cultural heritage and tourism services.

Objective benefits:

- increasing the value of local products and services
- sales promotion
- creating a competitive advantage
- promoting cooperation and networking

The brand motivates the producers to use local raw materials and develop their production actively.  At the same time, it facilitates the consumers´ decision-making during their shopping.


SA Põlvamaa Arenduskeskus

Kesk 20
633 08 Põlva
tel.: +3727998938



Co-financed from the European Social Fund and the State Budget of the Czech Republic Spolufinancováno z Evropského sociálního fondu a státního rozpočtu ČR