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Proč lidé (ne)kupují místní produkty

KC   16.02.2011 17:35

Kupujete místní produkty? A proč?

Všímáte si v poslední době nějakého vývoje ve vnímání místních produktů? Jak nejlépe podpořit zájem o místní produkty? A co to bude stát?

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1 7391 11941 11942 11943 11944 11945 11946 11947 14782 22172 29562
Linksysyxz (Bělorusko)   01.07.2023 04:37

manuscripts significantly

Willardker (Švýcarsko)   01.07.2023 04:12

I should be here right now., <br /> In this city where the war… <br /> The reserve of strength has almost completely dried up, <br /> The one that the Lord gave me. <br /> <br /> I need to save the children, <br /> From Nazi mines and rockets, <br /> So that they can continue to grow, <br /> Where there is no evil. <br /> <br /> It's scary for me to be in the enemy's sights, <br /> I remember my family… <br /> And I scold myself for being weak, <br /> And it gets harder for me. <br /> <br /> But clutching the cross to his chest, <br /> I felt a wave behind my back, <br /> After all, there is always hope, <br /> And the Lord will give you more strength. <br /> <br /> That's really close to my goal, <br /> Well, let me be weak now, <br /> I pray, saying to myself: believe! <br /> And the victorious hour will come <br /> <br /> We will protect the country - we will protect our children - our future

Visionqlr (Černá Hora)   01.07.2023 03:53

ancient and medieval Latin,

Universalflf (Česká republika)   01.07.2023 03:12

way. Handwritten book

BobbyBox (Nizozemsko)   01.07.2023 02:00

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1 7391 11941 11942 11943 11944 11945 11946 11947 14782 22172 29562

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