
CZECH REPUBLIC  01. 03. 2012

"Local Identity Product (LIP) – sustainable support systems for communities in Europe"

"Local Identity Product (LIP) – sustainable support systems for communities in Europe" Latvian Rural Forum in collaboration with "Association of Regional brands" from Czech Republic and "Rural Development Foundation" from Romania has started to implement the project „Local Identity Product (LIP) - sustainable support systems for communities in Europe" co-financed by the European Union programme „Europe for Citizens".  more
CZECH REPUBLIC  19. 04. 2011

Brochure 'Regional Branding throughout Europe' has been published

Brochure 'Regional Branding throughout Europe' has been published Association of regional brands. o.s. published with support from the European Social Fund within the Operational Programme Human Resources and Employment publication " Regional Branding throughout Europe - Experience sharing in the field of regional products support“  more
CZECH REPUBLIC  14. 04. 2011

Common inspiration – an international workshop on regional branding

Common inspiration – an international workshop on regional branding The workshop entitled 'How to do the best promotion of our region' which took place in Telč (Czech Republic), presented systems of regional branding in the Czech Republic and Austria.  more
CZECH REPUBLIC  07. 03. 2011

Workshop on regional products from Jeseniky

Workshop on regional products from Jeseniky A workshop on regional branding in the region of Jeseniky took place on Thursday, 3rd March. Participants learned about local products and shared experience with the other regions where the regional brands have been established for a long time.  more
CZECH REPUBLIC  04. 10. 2010

International Conference on Regional Branding

International Conference on Regional Branding Conference "Branding and Promotion of Regional Products – Sharing of European Experience" took place on 23rd and 24th September in Podebrady.  more
All News

Regional branding

Regional branding is one of several ways to promote rural regions and support development of socially, culturally and environmentally oriented economies in areas that are interesting due to their natural and cultural heritage. The group that is provided most of the support includes local business people, i.e. handicraftsmen, farmers, small and medium-sized enterprises, whose skills and proficiency help to spread the region’s renown, and, at the same time, identification with the region represents a great marketing opportunity for them. More

Dolina Baryczy Poleca

Dolina Baryczy Poleca

Support for the unique tourism offer – traditional products and services which are friendly for the environment Support for local (small) business Protection of local nature and culture heritage More


Regionalmarke EIFEL

Regionalmarke EIFEL

The region includes the Eifel region of North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, eastern Belgium and Luxembourg. In the south, it is surrounded by the Moselle Valley and in the north by the Lower Rhine Embayment.The brand logo is formed of a yellow "e" and four background colours to symbolize the diversity of quality products from four sectors - agriculture, forestry, trade and tourism.Regional EIFEL mark is… More

More information


Co-financed from the European Social Fund and the State Budget of the Czech Republic Spolufinancováno z Evropského sociálního fondu a státního rozpočtu ČR